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Set the Template Blog

To design a blog. for a beginner usually nyakurang notice a few things of which knowledge elements on the blog.
Here I will explain about the basic editing Blogger templates to make it more presentable, What are the things that must be considered in tidy Blog template?
A Blog Template consists of several elements, namely the Header, Post, Sidebar, and Footer. To create a blog template looks neater we can set the display of the four elements. Well how?
First we must first understand what and where the location of the Header, Sidebar, Post, and Footer.
Here's how:

1. Header is the head or the top of the Blog Template, usually containing the image.
2. Post is a place to write posts on the Blog
3. Sidebar is the side of the blog template that is usually located next to the post and can be filled with widgets
4. Footer is the bottom of a Blog
For more details, let's look at the picture below:

Blog Templates Now how to look more presentable, we can adjust the position of the Header, Sidebar, Post, and Fotter so as not to collide with each other or with other words more orderly, way is to set the column width of the element, and adjust the spacing between elements. Before we set the width and spacing should give us first understand what elements are needed in this process:

1. Body Objects (Place of posting or widgets that are appended).
2. Padding is the distance or space between the Body with Embroidery.
3. Embroidery is a border or boundary of the posts, sidebar, header, and footer.
4. Margin is the distance or spacing between one another with embroidery embroidery.
5. Background is the background of these elements, which can usually be filled with colors or images.
6. Width is the width of the element.
For more details, let's look at the image below:

Now how the placement and how to write and read elements are:
Examples of writing in a sidebar template:

#sidebar2-wrapper {
width: 200px;
float: left;
padding: 10px 20px 10px 20px;
margin:5px 10px 20px 10px;
border:0px solid #ffffff;

How to read:

1. Width: the width of the sidebar is 200 pixels.
2. Float: the location or position on the left sidebar.
3. Padding: Padding in reading from the top, right, bottom, left. so
how to read:
Distance widget in the Sidebar with Embroidery is
(On the upper side 10 pixels, 20 pixels right side, bottom side 10 pixels, 20 pixels left side)
4. Margin: in reading the same as the padding is starting from the top, right, bottom, left. From above margins may be read:
Embroidery is the distance between one another is (on the upper side of 5 pixels, 10 pixels on the right side, on the bottom side 20 pixels, 10 pixels on the left side
5. Embroidery: Embroidery or sidebar border is 1 pixel, solid type, white
(type there are several kinds of embroidery: Solid, dotted, Grove, Double, Inset and many more)
6. # ffffff; is color coded, can be viewed on a color code photoshop

Well how obvious yet? The first is usually confusing, but if it is used it will feel easy, because it perbanyaklah learn and try.
But before editing the blog template you should first back up all your template. The trick is to click the Download full template or copy you wrote it in Microsoft Word. Quite so first may be useful, if there is less or there is something wrong please comment ..

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